BOTOX is a cosmetic procedure that involves the injection of Botulinum toxin, a protein produced by the bacterium called Clostridium botulinum. The procedure has been embraced by many as a solution for eliminating the signs of aging, such as wrinkles, crow’s feet, fine lines and much more. The injection of Botox into the treatment area will block the nerve impulses to the muscles that cause fine lines and wrinkles.

Botox has been in use for cosmetic purposes for more than two decades and has continued to grow in popularity within the beauty industry throughout this time. There are many benefits associated with the use of Botox, but like with many procedures, there have been some false negative side effects and myths that have been spread about this procedure.

Below are five myths about Botox:

1. Botox is toxic and has unknown long-term effects

Many people believe that because Botox is derived from Botulinum toxin that Botox is toxic. However, Botox is not toxic to the human body, its effect is only the suspension of signals from the nerves. Botox is a neurotoxin that has been utilized since the 1980s.

2. Botox causes an expressionless look or appearance

When applied moderately, Botox does not give patients a frozen or expressionless look. The only time that Botox could result in a frozen look is when it was administered incorrectly. This is why it is important to always have cosmetic procedures completed by experienced and certified professionals who know the exact units required to get the best results without affecting the natural look.

3. Botox can eliminate all wrinkles

Although Botox is effective for reducing the visibility and impact of wrinkles and lines on your face, it may not eliminate all wrinkles. There are two types of wrinkles – static and dynamic wrinkles. Static wrinkles remain visible after your Botox procedure and require other treatments, such as laser or filters, to be erased. However, Botox handles dynamic wrinkles vary effectively.

4. Botox will affect your entire body

Botox does not spread through your body; as a result, it does not affect any part of your body other than the muscles in the injected areas. There have not been any recorded incidents of Botox spreading or affecting muscles in other parts of the body.

5. Botox is permanent

Botox is not a permanent procedure, on average the effects of Botox  last roughly three to four months. To continue to experience the benefits of Botox, additional procedures will be needed after your initial treatment.


The above are just 5 of the common myths regarding Botox. Over the years, Botox has been proven to not only be an effective cosmetic procedure, but have also been used to treat some common medical conditions such as hyperhidrosis and headaches.