Your skin ages due to a variety of factors. Some things are beyond your control, while others are. The natural aging process is something you cannot influence. People all gain noticeable lines on their faces over time. It is natural for people’s faces to lose some of their young fullness as they age. Your skin is growing thinner and drier and when these changes occur it is primarily determined by your DNA. Intrinsic aging is the medical name for this form of aging. Another form of aging that affects your skin can be directly influenced by what you do. Our environment and lifestyle decisions might trigger premature aging of our skin. Extrinsic aging is the medical word for this form of aging. You can reduce the impact of this form of aging on your skin by taking certain preventive measures like eating healthy, exercising, or protecting your skin from the sun. Other methods can drastically affect and slow down the aging process like Botox treatment which can reduce the appearance of wrinkles entirely. Here are 5 methods you do to slow down aging signs:

Protect your skin from the sun

Being active and outdoors can provide many beneficial effects to the body. However, sun exposure can actually have negative effects on our skin and increase the aging process. Sun exposure depletes collagen, which is responsible for keeping the skin smooth and firm. It has the ability to dilate blood vessels, causing the skin to become red. It also makes the dark pigment in the skin more prominent, giving the skin a blotchy appearance. It also produces elastotic material, which gives the skin a cobblestone look.

For this reason, every time you leave your home or spend prolonged periods outdoors, it is vital to wear sunscreen. When it comes to sunscreen, most products work best because they have protection against both UVB and UVA rays that cause sunburns and other skin conditions. If a sunscreen only had protection against UVB and not UVA it may not be ideal to use because you may be protected from sunburns but you will be exposed to UVA rays which increase damage to the deeper skin and enhance aging. The ideal sunscreen that offers broad protection should have a minimum SPF of 30, which blocks about 97 percent of both UV rays.

Eat a healthy, balanced diet

Many parts of aging are clearly beyond your control. While you can not stop the progression of time and can not change your genetic composition, you may take action to slow down the aging process and even look younger. Diet has a significant impact on how you age at the cellular level. Nutrition may be utilized as a powerful tool not just to provide your body with the nutrition it requires to be healthy, but also to help you age gracefully.

Consume a diet high in fruits and vegetables. They include vitamins A, C, and E, which assist to preserve young and prevent both extrinsic and intrinsic aging effects. For example, due to the vitamin C content, a single dose of 1 cup of blueberries daily is a good choice for anti-aging. If fresh blueberries are out of the question, consider buying frozen wild blueberries. Serve as a cold treat, or thaw in the refrigerator and use overnight oats or with yogurt and nuts. Including at least one serving of fruits and/or vegetables at every meal is a good goal to strive for. With any change in diet, it is always best to first consult with your doctor if these changes can work for you.

Incorporate regular exercise

Exercise has the ability to increase blood flow in your body, sending more oxygen and getting rid of waste. As a result, exercise keeps the skin cells healthy and vital. Some studies have found that people over the age of 65 who exercised at 65 percent of their max heart rate for 30-45 minutes twice a week, and after a 12-week period their skin showed normal signs of aging that resembled that of a 30-40 year old. This is because exercise can help nourish skin cells and keep them healthy and vibrant by boosting blood flow and transporting waste away. Furthermore, when we sweat, our pores expand and allow the buildup inside of them to be released. Sweating removes toxins from the body that might otherwise block pores and produce pimples.

Moisturize your skin daily

The great majority of people in their twenties have (or had) pleasant, smooth, and supple skin. This is due to the fact that skin cell turnover is constant, and our bodies naturally produce large amounts of collagen and elastin. However, when we enter our thirties, collagen and elastin synthesis decreases significantly, and skin cell turnover slows, resulting in less than ideal skin quality. This reduces as we age, resulting in the formation of lines and wrinkles. Studies have found that using a decent moisturizer can help wrinkles form at a far slower rate when compared to leaving our skin dry and unmoisturized. If you are in your thirties or forties, you should opt for a moisturizer with anti-aging qualities. Hyaluronic acid is essential since it is a naturally occurring ingredient that helps lighten dark spots and absorbs water in the skin like a sponge, leaving it smooth, plump, and beautiful. The drier your skin grows as we age but this does not happen quickly. It is a progressive process, but you will see a change as you become older. As we go into our fifties, sixties, and beyond, our skin thins and becomes more delicate, so a thick moisturizer will become more necessary in helping to hydrate the skin and keep it feeling great while also providing further protection.

Receive preventative Botox

Botox can be considered one of the most powerful wrinkle reducers available in the skin care industry. It also helps to reduce muscular spasms, migraines, and excessive perspiration. Botox not only keeps wrinkles at bay, but it also keeps them from growing into unpleasant lines on your face. Rather than waiting or bracing yourself for wrinkles to occur, Botox can be a terrific approach to postpone the indications of aging before they appear. Botox injections can assist younger people who are concerned about the signs of aging. Botox treatment can be used as a preventative measure to slow down the signs of aging.

Early use of Botox can help ensure that aging occurs later and with less intensity. Wrinkles tend to settle into our skin as we get older and become more difficult to remove later on. By using Botox treatment as the first method to combat aging rather than an end solution to use later on, you could slow down the aging process and look younger the older that you get.

It is never too late to benefit from employing methods to slow down signs of aging. Protecting your skin from the sun, eating healthy, exercising, moisturizing your skin, or use of Botox treatment are all different ways in which you can look younger. If signs of aging skin is a concern you may want to speak with a professional who can advise you on the right form of treatment for your needs.